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Wet*22 - PRD X MAI TA
MAI TA (b.1997)
Based in Saigon, Vietnam.
Mai Ta seeks to find truth in her feelings and honor them through her paintings. To her, art is a place where she can safely expresses herself without guilt. To her, artistic expression is a form of freedom.
Wet*22 - PRD X MAI TA
Dry*25 - TECH PIMP COLLECTIONDry*25 - SAIGON NAUGHTY LIST COLLECTION Wet*24 - PARABAM VINA YACHTCORE COLLECTIONWet*24 - POST WAR HIPPIES COLLECTIONDry*24 - MOTHERLAND / VIETNAMEMES CAPSULE Dry*23 - OLD OLD NEW / SAOMAI CAPSULE Wet*23 - PARABAM CAPSULEWet*23 - UNITY COLLECTIONWet*23 - SINH TỐ NODEY CAPSULE Dry*23 - Drop.03 420 Collection Dry*23 - Drop.02 Outside Dry*23 - Drop.02 Inside Dry*22 - Drop.01Wet*22 - Drop.04Wet*22 - Drop.03Wet*22 - Drop.02Wet*22 - PRD X MAI TAWet*19 - Drop.01Dry*19 - Holiday Drop